25 mar 2009

Tucker Barkley

Cyber-stalk Tucker Barkley and you’ll come up with no fewer than 25 YouTube videos—not to mention message board testimonials like this one: “Tucker is the best hip-hop dancer I’ve ever seen!” Yet the most telling page may be Tucker’s profile on Boogiezone, where he shares his personal dance motto: “The audience may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”

No doubt about it: The dance world is “feeling” Tucker. When he hits the floor, he takes no prisoners with his crisp, in-your-face style. Yet his movement is tempered with a graceful fluidity typically exhibited by ballerinas. Top that with an almost frightening degree of flexibility: One of Tucker’s many talents is an uncanny ability to contort his limbs. “I don’t think I have any joints in my upper body,” he laughs. “I can clap my elbows, pull my arms behind my head, and almost completely dislocate my torso.”

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